There are many different customs in connection with normal coins. This easy to use item, magic, and traditions of almost all countries and peoples. There are two types of coins: rituals and talismans.

How to make the mascot of coins
In various magical rituals, the unique coin. Lucky charms serve as mankind faithfully for many years in a row. In this article, it's about the talismans. What essentially this word means?
A Talisman is a magical object that is of special importance and force, for the protection of its owner or of its discovery of the potential (strengthening of skills) . He brings luck, health preserved, attracts positive emotions and saved from calamity, misfortune, problems, and external influences magic.
The mascot is an absolutely may be the subject of each. But coins – lucky charms have a wide circulation, especially among the people with supernatural abilities.
The help of coins, charged special ways, the people were already in the antiquity. Especially an urgent need talismans acts out in moments of utter powerlessness of man before the universe. Also of special loads, talismans, the people are preserved from evil witches and the influence on their identity from the outside.
The fact that the belief in the power of amulets and talismans, there was still up in the written time, says nothing about what in today's world it is unnecessary. Evil lives and in the world today, and perhaps, on the contrary, their power. How does the coin — mascot and what is it determined?
The mascot is a little different than his "brothers" Talisman and amulet. What is the difference? The task of a Talisman (amulet) to repel the whole of the human energy field is negative, protect it from external bad influences. And in the case of the mascot other task – to win all the best from across the universe – happiness, love, wealth, favor and so on.
There are two possibilities of the municipality of mascot in the life of the people. The first is random. Many people are already long convinced that coincidence is very logical and occur according to the will of the Higher reason. A particular coin may be a mascot in connection with a specific emotional or physical.
For a better understanding, you can use the example of how the mascot of coins comes to the people.
Here, say, once a long time ago a boy was friends with a girl. They were the best of friends. And one day she found on the street is a beautiful old coin. And the girl gave it to the boy with the words: "May it be your Talisman and a reminder of our friendship to bring you happiness." If the boy trust in these words, then the coin for him to be the mascot.
The second way – the mascot to do personally. A similar magic item gets tremendous power and strength in exactly the direction in the waiting for his owner. After these lines, many have a legitimate question on how to get to the mascot coins.
This process is absolutely not complicated, but approach him with all the responsibility. Best suited for mascot old coin, or made of precious metal. In the case of such gizmos energy wins first, after coming to power.
The coin can be worn around the neck as a pendant (you need to drill a hole in it) , or just keep them in the pocket of the good natural substances. Of course, before you expect something special, a coin is required to "recharge".
You need to in the full moon mascot to put on the window sill, preferably on a door or a cloth to red. Then you need to ask the universe (God, the Higher reason, of Allah be missing on him) what the most in life. For example: "I beg you, this amulet brought me luck, defended from the enemies, a Magnet for love, money, and nice people, arranged for the solution of the problems".
Then a coin need to wrap this cloth (napkin) , put a pillow under the sleepy and on her until the morning. And in the morning, hung around the neck or in the pocket. And the main thing is to believe in your strength and energy for a new amulet.